Crown-Zellerbach Canada meeting
January, 1970
Henry Rappaport at a meeting with Crown Zellerbach, a forestry company that produced paper products, which supported Intermedia through their donations of custom made paper products. Specifically the company supported projects by Michael de Courcy, Bob “Box” Arnold and Gary Lee Nova all of whom used donated cardboard boxes as material for their work. This partnership between Crown Zellerbach and Intermedia was struck up by Intermedia director Werner Aellen. At this particular meeting Michael de Courcy was proposing a project in which cardboard boxes would be printed with photographic images. The project would be fabricated and printed industrially, sponsored by Crown Zellerbach. The project was under consideration for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and de Courcy was looking for a sponsor to fabricate the work. Subsquently the finished project entitled Boxes was exhibited at the MoMA in 1970 as part of the “Photography into Sculpture” an internationally travelling exhibition. Here Henry Rappaport is pictured with Crown Zellerbach executives who are holding a de Courcy box prototype.
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